Too Cold Too Soon

Students try to find comfort in the cold building. Photo by Ale Hidalgo

Ale Hidalgo, Staff Writer

   Have you been wondering why the school has been so cold during the past few weeks? Usually around this time of year the weather starts getting warmer so the county switches over from heat to air conditioning. With the weather being so cold, it makes the school just as cold as it is outside. Just what the school needs right as AP and end-of-year exams are starting! 

   The upstairs classrooms are definitely the coldest throughout the day. The classes downstairs and larger spaces areas like the cafeteria and the auditorium aren’t as cold as some of the classrooms, but the whole school is chilly. 

   A few people  who have taken AP exams in the auditorium had some things to say about the temperature. Some students said they didn’t really notice the low temperatures because they were more focused on doing well on the exam.

“I had a blanket but [the cold temperature in the auditorium] didn’t affect me taking the exam. I will recommend wearing warm clothes,” senior Gracie Emerick said. “However room 120 was pretty chilly and considerably affected my speed taking my test.”

   Others found the low temperature to be an issue.

   “It was so cold and it made me so tired. I felt like if the temperature was better then I wouldn’t have had such a hard time focusing,” sophomore Jade Trowell said. “During the test I was trying to stay warm and was shivering.”

   Now that the weather is starting to get warmer, hopefully the school will stay at a comfortable temperature especially throughout the rest of the testing days.